A few months ago, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting an amazing young woman who is almost single-handedly creating a global new media spiritual community. To call Lilou Mace a leader, a visionary, and an inspiration to soul seekers everywhere would be true - but it would also be an understatement. Lilou is a force of nature, and a phenomenon unto herself. Since January 2011, Lilou has been traveling around the US and Canada on her Juicy Living Tour, interviewing the leading authors, healers, teachers, and entrepreneurs in the New Age movement; including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anita Moorjani, Neale Donald Walsch, Caroline Myss, Dr. Jacob Liberman, and many others. All told, Lilou has self-produced over 1600 videos (all of which are still available for free online) and racked up an incredible 10 million YouTube views.
Lilou has described the Juicy Living Tour as "everyday inspiration...from everyday people." But Lilou's contribution to the uplifting of consciousness at this important juncture in our spiritual development has been anything but commonplace. Yet, for all of her success and stature, Lilou exudes an honesty, humility, and a sweetness of spirit that is in itself captivating. Lilou Mace is a beautiful, soulful woman who lives a life of radical inspiration. She constantly challenges herself to trust the flow of life, to discover and experience all the "juice" life has to offer, and she in turn radiates that juiciness out to everyone she touches with her work. While recently contemplating a major decision in my own life, it was often Lilou's voice I heard encouraging me to ignore my fears, and to follow my heart and soul.
Lilou relies purely on the contributions/donations of her many "co-creators" to support her travels and her work, and it has been truly inspiring to see so many people step forward with housing, transportation, and everything else she has needed to keep the Tour moving forward. What a powerful reminder of how inter-connected we all are, and of how loved and supported we all are when we step forward with courage and trust.
I highly encourage everyone seeking a greater sense of spiritual community and soul-full inspiration to please check out Lilou and her invaluable work - and please support her in any way you can!
Lilou's main Juicy Living Tour site can be found here.
Lilou's main YouTube site, which includes her archived videos, can be found here.
Lilou's other Juicy Living site, which features spontaneous updates and short videos she posts from her iPhone, is here.
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