So here now is what I was told, exactly as I transcribed it immediately after the conclusion of my meditation that day, several weeks ago...
Barriers are dissolving. Inner barriers (that separate us from various things) such as: past life memories, life lessons, dramas, individual and shared karmic lessons, man-made barriers between us and God, us and Nature, us and each other, and between us and our destiny. Some are conscious barriers we have erected over the course of this life, or many lifetimes, in order to keep things compartmentalized so we can 'make sense' of our world. Outer barriers between time and space and dimensions.
Some of it is caused by the Divine Plan: now is a time of acceleration and learning, because God wills it this way. Some of it is caused by "wish fulfillment" on the part of a critical mass of Humanity that has asked for it, desired it, dreamed of it, and that has incarnated now in order to experience it.
This is an opportunity for healing much pain and suffering, on many levels: past lives, current lives, repressed memories, individual and group dramas, and tragedies. As these barriers dissolve, and the consciousness or awareness of no separation (no separation in time, space, proximity, seen and unseen dimensions, etc.) expresses - or erupts, as the case may be - into the physical world, it can take many forms.
Some who are not awake, aware, or conscious at this time may experience it as a nightmarish scenario of personal and/or collective hell coming into being and manifesting in their daily physical reality.
Others who are awake, aware, and conscious at this time can and will experience it as a spontaneous and instantaneous healing, rapture, oneness, beauty, and instant connection to their past, present, and future dimensions. What is manifesting for those individuals is full consciousness and awareness of ALL THAT IS. For these souls, it is an amazing opportunity for growth, development, karmic balancing, acceleration, learning, enlightenment, even cosmic consciousness.
What is happening right now is happening to all of us. The cause is the same everywhere for everyone. But the effect is different for each individual, and it depends not on their drama, their story, or their circumstances, but on their intention and their courage to face it all, and to allow it, and to accept it, and to be it.
The time for compartmentalizing life is coming to an end. Going forward, it's all going to play out in real time. Like Neo in The Matrix, when he realizes he is 'The One.' He sees all as one, with no more separation or barriers.
The unconscious will experience this as a time when they can manifest much more rapidly their lower desires or aims - but the repercussions will be instant as well. This will provide them with an opportunity to awaken if they choose to do so.
Similarly, those who are in alignment will now experience their lives as an opportunity for real magic - as their positive vibrations link up with the higher Divine energy to manifest miracles on a daily basis.
It is up to each of us to set our intentions accordingly. If you know, realize, and recognize that the barriers are dissolving more rapidly than ever before, and welcome that energy, and embrace that opportunity, then spontaneous healing, spontaneous enlightenment, and perhaps spontaneous God-realization, are possible now.
Gratitude, Forgiveness, Courage, Humility, Peace, Joy, Creativity, a sense of One, Service, Cooperation, Trust, right use of Power, Love, Wisdom, Life, Positivity, Strength, Vulnerability, Openness - these are some of the traits that are needed now, and that should be cultivated now.
Namaste = "the God in me bows to the God in you."
Love Consciousness = the Divine recognizing itself in all, everywhere, at all times.
The soul is the storehouse of experiences, memories, learned and unlearned lessons, and our connection to the Divine. When barriers dissolve, it opens us to tap into all the soul has recorded, all that it holds. If we allow, and accept, and embrace all that comes out of it, we reap the benefits instantly in the form of "free" consciousness. This is the payoff. If we resist, or deny, or ignore what comes out of it, we experience the payback of the separation of the energy, the un-consciousness. In that case, the energy cannot rise, so it stays stuck in darkness. But when we release it to the light, it rises, and manifests as goodness, as beauty, as love, as pure Divine presence.
A final note from Gordon: as I was typing this, my guides reminded me (or should I say gently reprimanded me) that although this information may not speak to everyone who reads it, I must not hold it back out of fear, as I have done these past several weeks. I must release it to the world and let it take its course. I hope it speaks to you, and that it perhaps positively changes the way you think, feel, and act in these most interesting times.