Something mysterious and truly profound has been unfolding around here the past several weeks. I'm not exactly sure what it is, or how to characterize it, but the shift in the energy I've been experiencing on a daily basis feels absolutely wonderful. The best way I can describe it is to quote the title of a song by Prince and Tamar from a few years ago, called Beautiful, Loved and Blessed. For well over a month now, I've felt more deeply connected to Spirit, to Nature, my heart, my soul, my intuition, my sense of purpose, and to the people in my life, than I can ever recall before.
My daily meditations have been unusually comforting, instructive, and peaceful - but even saying that doesn't quite do justice to the way I've felt both during and after meditation. My guides told me awhile back that changes were coming, and that I could expect a deepening or an expansion in my consciousness around the end of May - but I had no idea it would be this obvious or this powerful. Nothing in my external world has really changed (yet), but inside, everything feels different. On one hand, there is a sense of calm, and a peaceful acceptance as I go about my daily routine. On the other hand, part of me feels like shouting from the rooftops - and telling anyone who will listen how beautiful, loved and blessed they are, too.
Certain truths keep popping up into my consciousness over and over again, as if they want to make sure I don't forget. One is that life is an innately (or is it insanely) beautiful experience, if we will just awaken to that awareness and understanding. Every moment is an opportunity to see, feel, hear, taste, and touch the Divine - we are surrounded by it no matter who we are, where we are, or what we're doing at any given time. Another reminder is that no matter what our circumstances may be, or how present or aware we are of the Divine, we are truly never alone - we are always loved, always guided, always protected, always supported in every meaningful way. It always comes back to our state of consciousness, and how we choose to perceive life. If we perceive our life as a gift, as a blessing, as a miracle, then the Universe seems to respond in kind and send more confirmation of that reality to us. If we choose to focus too much on the perceived negative aspects of our challenges, or our circumstances - instead of living by what's real, and true, and lasting - then the Universe confirms that for us.
What's real and true and lasting to me is my constant connection to Spirit, Nature, my heart, my soul, my intuition, my sense of purpose, the people in my life, and opening myself to experience the Divine in all of its aspects. I am aware of it, I am grateful for it, and more than anything I am conscious of it. Perhaps there is a synergy, or some kind of exponential magic, that happens when we get in that space and we perceive life that way, where that blessed feeling keeps growing and growing until we surrender to it and allow all that beauty in. It sure feels that way right now.
What is real and true and lasting to you?
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